Energy Team

Energy Team

What are we doing now?

  • Organising annual Dorset-wide Open Greener Homes events
  • Identifying and Supporting Renewable Energy Development Projects in Dorset
  • Engaging with stakeholders in the energy sector in Dorset to advocate changes needed to enable the transition to net zero carbon by 2050.
  • Engaging with the Local Authorities in Dorset in pursuit of making progress on their Climate Emergency strategies and plans.

When? The next Open Greener Homes will be in 2024

Open Greener Homes - We need owners of houses, public buildings, or businesses who would like to show interested members of the public what they have done to improve the ‘green’ credentials of their house, school, village hall, or business premises. This could include solar PV, solar thermal, heat pumps, switching from gas to electric boilers or electric radiators, EV chargers, power storage batteries, triple glazing, loft or wall insulation, etc.

This is an annual community engagement project designed to inspire people with practical ideas to reduce their carbon footprint.

The Energy Team hold meetings every 4 to 6 weeks, to share ideas, progress a range of current projects, and arranges talks by external speakers.

Energy Team

Clean Energy


Working on energy issues, including retrofit, renewables and energy efficiency




● Please contact the Action Team for more info: -


energy, emissions

Questions / Interested?

Let us know what you are thinking!

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