Westfield house, Puncknowle

When Ray built the large extension on their house he wanted a comfortable but very efficient building; he chose high thermal standards for the thermal block walls and Argon filled double glazing with low-E glass. The flat upstairs is so well insulated that it only requires 1kW to heat it on the coldest days.

A 35kW wood pellet boiler with hot water storage tank warms the house, and a system to divert excess generated electricity to heat water (ImmerSUN).

Ray is an electrical engineer and inventor, developing energy-saving technology with his company, Acrogen. He uses his home as a test-bed for ideas, with several energy-saving schemes which he seeks to improve. A 10kWh battery backup operates at 48V and an Eddi system diverts spare PV-generated electricity to his hot water tanks. Smart switching allows them to use their generated power to the maximum.

Ray is full of ideas and a font of knowledge about ways of reducing energy loss and of generating electricity. He has detailed figures of the savings achieved in eight years of photovoltaic panels and five years of a wood pellet boiler.

Westfield House is a glimpse of the future.

Please book your visit by emailing  acrogen@acrogen.com - Open by appointment all year round.

Westfield house, Puncknowle

Heat Pump Solar PV with Battery Retrofit Open by Appointment all year round

Open Details:

Outside of the Event dates this homes is open by appointment all year round.


Westfield House, Church St, Puncknowle, DT2 9BP

Booking Details:

Email acrogen@acrogen.com - Link to left


The large extension was built to be very efficient; with high thermal standards for the thermal block walls and Argon filled double glazing with low-E glass. Other areas are highly insulated. A 35kW wood pellet boiler with hot water storage tank warms the house, and a system to divert excess generated electricity to heat water (ImmerSUN).

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