Dorset Climate Action Network

Inspiring community-led action for a fairer, healthier, greener Dorset

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What we do

DorsetCAN (Dorset Climate Action Network) is a registered charity supporting a county wide network of community groups and individuals working together for a shared vision of a clean, green, sustainable Dorset.
We also organise and run our own Projects The Great Big Dorset Hedge Project, Dorset Greener Homes & Dorset Deserves Better, plus regular online events. View all projects here.
We also support, work with and lobby Dorset Council; Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council; town and parish councils and local community groups across Dorset. We support and publicise campaigns run by members and act as a clearing house for news of relevant events, projects and schemes.

Our Vision

Building a hopeful future by working together, sharing ideas and inspiring action

Zero Carbon

The whole county (council, businesses and residents) has stopped causing further climate overheating with carbon emissions from our homes, buildings, cars and energy use.

Bright Blue

Every river and stream and beach in Dorset is safe to swim or play in. (Currently our rivers and seas are amongst the most polluted in Europe).

Wild Green

Chemical pesticides, fungicides and herbicides are no longer used and tree-planting, meadow and heathland regeneration and spreading hedgerows allow the wild things to live and regenerate across the county.

Locally Fed

Communities grow food locally and more and more schools, care homes, businesses, restaurants, cafés and private homes use locally grown food.

Community Centred

People of all ages, incomes and backgrounds can afford to live and participate equally in active local communities with schemes for sharing, repairing and recycling and public transport every hour.

Sparkling Clean

Radically reduced levels of air pollution and litter alongside a complete halt to selling and using single-use plastics.


Donors & Supporters

Thank you to all the following organisations for supporting our work through generous grants and donations

Questions / Interested?

Let us know what you are thinking!

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